Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Time is running out

The holidays are here, but there is a cloud over us. Created by very poor leadership, this country is in trouble. I hear more and more people talk about how they are fed up. We do feel like we are being taken advantage of . . . write to your State and Federal Representatives and ask questions and get your side of the story told. We are watching and I want to make sure that they know we are watching.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Casual Carpool

Thought about how we're going to present ourselves to the Mortgage Company. They have already set the aggresive tone of what will be a fight for the house

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Charlie Brown Christmas

With A Dog Biting My Toes and Charlie Brown on the tube. My wonderful Husband and I just chill'in from our woes. We laughed and giiggled all the evening long.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008


Saw this at the bus stop and it cracked me up

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We will never give up our Civil Rights


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Do you know


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Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Holiday

Sweet set up at Sutter and Sansome, San Francisco

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Car Pool

Oh, No a religious talk radio - it's too early in the morning for fairy tales and lies

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Big 3?

Yes, let them fly in thier company jets to go beg for Billions of taxpayer dollars and then act all surprised when they get called on it. They might want to think about that as they retire to their luxuroius penthouses to ponder - why

Why? It's because they have no plan.

Who do they think they are - Henry Paulson?

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There's no hope for you

Called the HUD's "Hope Now" today. Because this is only the first payment that we have ever missed - there is nothing that they can do for us. We have to be 90 days behind. And if you are unemployed then, there is no hope for you. Where is this bailout money? Who is being helped?

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The Terrible Times

As a man who is legally married to another man in California, I have to say that every time we get news about Prop 8 being upheld - well it just makes me sick. I keep looking for VALID reasons why these idiots are so opposed to me being married? I'm sure that people were getting married before the bible was written. Atheist can get married. Buddhist can get married. And even worshipers of satan can get married. Marriage does not solely belong to the Christian Faith. The radical right have lied to the voters of California - they are lairs.

Now they have threatened our State Supreme Court with noises of recall. How shameful and petty.

Hear me - you self righteous liers and idiots - we have overcome the slanders, name calling, loss of jobs, beatings, imprisonments, and murders of our people at the hands of the likes of you and we will NEVER ever stop fighting for our Civil Rights. The right to live in peace and love - we will never stop

I am 1 of the 18,000

who is in a legal same sex marriage and I will never ever relinquish my marriage to you or anyone else - ever -

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The fight for equal rights continue

Religeiuos leaders threthen recall of Superme court juidges

Visiabilty? Being gay is not a outwardly psycial thing - it's my love life

I want the justice's to know that I believe California will stand by them when they repeal Prop 8. This is a time for change and we are not going to let special innterts groups bastardize our state constition

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Good Morning California

Rustic Bridge, Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Ca, USA

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why oh Why

Do people bring their babies - in strollers - on the bus or commuter train during rush hour? It's like they have no sense at all.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

The thrill of marriage

I love being married. Same-Sex marriage is cool!

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Great Information on Gay USA

Tonight on Free Speech TV



Great Information about Prop. 8

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Protesting Discrimination

Discrimination has raised it's ugly face and we stood today to protest Prop. 8

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Protest Prop H8

Fairfield, California had a good turn out for todays protest. I am so proud of my little town.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Is he stupid?

I read the headline "Enemies won't test me" says John McCain - I would think that our cowardice enemies would be more inclined to attack a feeble jelly headed old man, not less inclined. Hasn't anybody figured out that the GOP are easily diswayed, distracted, and dangerous.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It's been a busy couple of weeks - still having fun, but disallusuined a bit - someone lied on me.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Buzz word voting

Are we voting for who could actually lead this country or are we voting for the best buzz word? Maverick, Lipstick, Black, Boring. Take the time to read how these people have voted on the issues. Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The old California State Chamber of Commerce

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What a day

Already my mind is racing. There seems to be so much to do. While balancing the budget, I also need to keep my Artist calm and upbeat.

Work, school, bills, personal fitness, and my relationship - all keep me up and running.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I support Barack Obama

I don't believe this poll - white women flock to Phallin

Even my Republican Mother (white woman) doesn't think that this poll is true.

Weird - my mother and I are agreeing about politics. - weird

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Don't Touch Me

The director at the SFO event - touched me - it was so "out of order"

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Modern Ghost Town

Saturday Sept 2008 Civic Center Plaza

Oakland, Ca - - Ghost Town

We were downtown Oakland - no stores open, a few empty food places, and no people. It's wierd - 'cause it's really pretty and has a huge piotential.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Speech - The Photo Op

I saw this and was instantly reminded of Sarah Palin's hate filled rhetoric from last night.

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This is not the real world

So I was thinking about the brilliantly stupid nomination of Sarah Pellin for VP. I heard it said that she has more Executive experience than all 3 of the other candidates put together. Hmmmm. Less than 24 months of experience as an Executive. In the real world 24 months of Executive experience "MAY" get you an interview (or are they counting her Mayoral duties of a town of less than 6,000?) Unless your company is racked with debt, scandal, and headed up by greedy a-holes, (Oh - that's our present day Federal Government. Now I see.)

then she might "might" have a very slim chance. But, the Republicans are at it again - trying to distract us. What is her stance on: The Economy, Healthcare, Social Security, International Affairs or Anything? This is a joke and it's a joke that we, as Americans, cannot afford to fall for.

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1st and Howard - the morning walk

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Conservative Radio - Yuck

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Time to Party

Thank goodness it's Friday. We've got a kick'in pool party to go to tommorow. This should be fun. D is trecking out to the 'burbs - we hope that he has a good time.

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Time to Party

Thank goodness it's Friday. We've got a kick'in pool party to go to tommorow. This should be fun. D is trecking out to the 'burbs - we hope that he has a good time.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look of Love

When animails look at each other in a nonverbal communication of love and then are they able to look at the other an know that the love is no longer there. Do you know or have you ever been in the situation and know.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Is this living

When you talk to people these days - there seems to be a struggle or conflict that is going on in their lives. - I have the same problem, only my problems are real

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Is this living

When you talk to people these days - there seems to be a struggle or conflict that is going on in their lives. - I have the same problem, only my problems are real

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Fire at Rancho Solano Fairfield Ca

The fire was fast and burned quickly across the hill - only 1 block from our house.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


What does this mean

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